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We believe in putting people at the center of digital transformation. Meet our team from around the world.

Rachel Sibande

Senior Adviser

Based in: Malawi

Rachel Sibande


Rachel works to demonstrate sector-wide collaboration between D4D actors in deploying initiatives that enhance data use for evidence-based decision-making. From September 2017 until January 2023, Rachel led DIAL's country based work as a Senior Director, supporting program partners in selected countries.

Prior to joining DIAL, Rachel established Malawi’s first technology hub; mHub. Through the hub, she championed the development and deployment of innovative technology solutions across fields such as elections monitoring, citizen engagement and agriculture in Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. She has over 11 years of industry experience spanning academia, development and social enterprise domains.

Rachel is a PhD candidate in computer science at Rhodes University in South Africa. She holds a Master of Science in coding theory and cryptography from Mzuzu University and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Malawi.