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Nyoman Ribeka
Manager, Software Engineer
Based in: United States

Nyoman, who prefers to go by Win, is a passionate software engineer who believes in working together through people and technology to create a better world. Win also believes that nurturing new and passionate engineers brings out the best in them, sets them up for success and eventually, will help sustain software development projects.
Prior to joining DIAL, Win worked in the private sector for Cox Automotive’s financial business unit called NextGear Capital Inc. Prior to that, he worked on an OpenMRS project in conjunction with the AMPATH Consortium in Eldoret, Kenya, for six years. He also served as technical lead for the mUzima project, which is currently being used in various settings in sub-Saharan Africa to collect data and support the work of a variety of NGOs.
Based in Indianapolis, Indiana, Win holds a B.S. in computer science from the Bandung Institute of Technology and a M.S. in health information systems from the University of Pittsburgh.