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Mark Mulobi
Associate, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Based in: Kenya

Mark joined DIAL in May 2021 as the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Associate. He was attracted to DIAL to be a part of the team that helps bridge the gap of digital inclusiveness using evaluation to better the lives others and ensure that no one is left behind in the world.
Prior to DIAL, Mark worked with Benaphil consultants Ltd as the evaluation intern. He has also worked for EvalYouth Global Network as the Vice chair, African Evaluation Assosiation (AfrEA) network for Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) as the co-chair. Mark is a champion for Eval4Action campaign geared towards accelerating the delivery of SDGs by advocating for stronger evaluation capacities and evidence-based policies.
Mark holds a Bachelor of Arts in community development, a Diploma in marketing from Graffins college, Kenya, and is currently pursuing a Master of Arts degree in Monitoring and Evaluation from Daystar University.