Research Type: Spotlight
Showing 1 - 6 of 8 total
Effective climate action requires relevant and trusted data. Data trusts can help.
The era of data infrastructure is here. History can help us capitalize on its potential.
Good infrastructure is critical in promoting healthy, prosperous, and interconnected societies. And in today’s world, data infrastructure is becoming increasingly important as a means of ensuring people are able to benefit from the power of digitization. But, how does it compare to more traditional forms of infrastructure, like roads and bridges? The paper unpacks lessons to be learned – and insights to be gleaned – from the history of infrastructure and what they mean for us today.
Speaking in tongues: teaching local languages to machines
Human-Centered Data Governance and Better Public Digital Service Delivery in Developing Countries
In order to understand the reality on the ground, the Digital Impact Alliance has produced three mini-briefs based on initiatives in mostly developing countries that seek to reach and provide highly localized digital products and services for digitally marginalized populations through a human-centered approach to data governance.
Can We Future-Proof Digital Public Goods? Rethinking Sustainable Business Models
The lifecycle of Digital Public Goods consist broadly of four stages — Create, Deploy, Sustain and Evolve. Current funding models for DPGs focus primarily on the first two stages. This paper applies the lens of an open source practitioner to look at funding models that support all four stages, and is aimed at DPG funders and developers.