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  • Digital Impact Alliance

    Digital Impact Alliance

Technology Landscape for Digital Identification

1 min read

Robust, inclusive, and responsible identification systems can increase access to finance, healthcare, education, and other critical services and benefits. Identification systems are also key to improving efficiency and enabling innovation for public- and private-sector services, such as greater efficiency in the delivery of social safety nets and facilitating the development of digital economies.

This report is a first attempt to develop a comprehensive overview of the current technology landscape for digital identification. It is intended to serve as a framework for understanding the myriad options and considerations of technology in this rapidly advancing agenda and in no way is intended to provide advice on specific technologies, particularly given there are a number of other considerations and country contexts which need to be considered.

It does not advocate the use of a certain technology from a particular vendor for any particular application.

The report was prepared as part of the Identification for Development (ID4D) initiative, the World Bank Group’s cross-sectoral effort to support progress toward identification systems using 21st century solutions, and was possible through the generous support of Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) and the partners of the ID4D Multi-Donor Trust Fund (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Omidyar Network).