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Integrated National Data Exchange Systems: Bangladesh Case Study

2 mins read

Good data exchange can confer an array of benefits, from improving the operational efficiency of governments and driving economic growth, to enabling access to essential services for people and building trust.

The factors that make up good data exchange are relatively well established and include effective laws and regulations, technology architecture, and accountability and oversight mechanisms. Far less research has been conducted on how these factors function in the real world as governments navigate their unique contexts to build, implement, and ensure buy-in and usage of their national data exchange efforts.

We know that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to national data exchange systems. Each country’s progression and timeline are unique, and the process is seldom linear. Their trajectory is greatly influenced by the motivating drivers for establishing national data exchange systems and the methods by which they go about doing so.

The Digital Impact Alliance conducted research into these unique drivers and considerations to inform a greater understanding of how integrated national data exchange systems are being developed, and the ensuing implications for governments, the private sector, and people.

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There are many different approaches to implementing national data exchange systems. Bangladesh's approach offers important insights.

As part of this research, we’ve highlighted Bangladesh’s data exchange implementation journey, as the country has made significant strides in recent years. Most notably, these efforts have culminated in a robust system of Digital Centers where citizens are able to access over 300 essential public services. With a 76% citizen satisfaction rate, this model has proven widely popular.

In this paper, we explore how Bangladesh has progressed over the years in its attempts to advance good national data exchange systems, documenting key learnings and insights, including:

  1. The importance of participatory processes in fostering buy-in and trust.
  2. The benefits of impact measurement when introducing digital transformation initiatives.
  3. The criticality of addressing sustainability challenges for long term success.

By highlighting Bangladesh’s approach – and the insights it provides – we seek to support policymakers and government technology leaders in their efforts to implement and support national data exchange systems.

To learn more about the importance of integrated national data exchange systems for positive digital transformation, take a look at our National Data Exchange Systems Insights Paper.