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  • Digital Impact Alliance

    Digital Impact Alliance

Workshop On The Application Of Mobile Technology As A Catalyst For The Delivery Of the SDGs In Sierra Leone

1 min read

This workshop charted ways to work together better and maximize the power of mobile technologies as a tool for social and economic development in Sierra Leone.

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Together with the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI), the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) facilitated a workshop on April 24, 2019, at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Freetown. The purpose of the workshop was to provide a cross-sector and multi-stakeholder platform to bring together nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), donors, government agencies, mobile network operators (MNOs), United Nations agencies and other private-sector players to discuss and chart ways to work together better and maximize the power of mobile technologies as a tool for social and economic development in Sierra Leone. The workshop was attended by 55 participants representing 38 organizations.

Workshop Objectives:

  • Increase awareness among the development community about the mobile landscape in Sierra Leone to understand the current state and trends of mobile connectivity and develop knowledge and understanding of the power of mobile to drive development in Sierra Leone.
  • Provoke reflection and critical evaluation of the key strengths and challenges of engagement between the telecommunications and development sectors and share good practices and models for engagement.
  • Inspire and motivate participants to discuss collaborative approaches to improve how partners can work together to create a digitally enabled ecosystem to address development challenges in the country.